The Hawk – Mascot of Quincy University
The Hawk is the University’s mascot for two reasons:
1. The first reason is that hawks have exceptional vision, strength, courage and decisiveness.
a. Vision: The hawk has keen vision and sees what others miss. Quincy University seeks to help students to develop a clear vision of life, to have an awareness of what is going on around them, to see the whole and not just the parts, to see the big picture, to have an awareness that there is more than one way to look at an issue, to pay very close attention to details.
b. Strength: A hawk possesses great strength. Quincy University wants students not only to possess physical and emotional (psychological) strength, but also to develop strength of character which is rooted in Gospel values.
c. Courage: The hawk teaches one to soar, to have the courage to discover and to actualize one’s potential and not to settle for the status quo and mediocrity. Quincy University seeks then to cultivate the virtue of courage so that one is not afraid to be a person of integrity, to express oneself, to stand up for the truth, to take a risk for one’s good and the good of others.
d. Decisiveness: The hawk calls us to be leaders who are decisive. Quincy University tries to empower students to make decision which are based on sound moral principles and critical thinking, to be a person of action
2. The second reason is that the brown wings and white head of a hawk also represent the University’s colors which also reflect the brown colored Franciscan habit and the white cord around the waist.
The Seal and Coat of Arms of Quincy University
The Coat of Arms represents the mission of the University. The two blue wavy lines in the upper portion of the shield represent the Mississippi River, along whose banks the city and the university are located. It also symbolizes the river of life which every human being must travel down for self-actualization, meaning and purpose to one’s life.
In heraldry, a Book is a symbol that represents a college or university. As a
Franciscan University, the book also represents the three key books from which we are to read and to learn.
- The Book of the Scriptures reveals to us who God is, who we are as God’s sons and daughters, and how we are called to love one another as God loves us.
- The Book of Life awakens us to how God has wired us to grow in wisdom through a reflective stance for “An unreflective life is an unlived life.” Socrates
- The Book of Creation discloses that all that exists comes from the same Source and is a special reflection of God’s goodness and beauty in the world. We are, therefore, all brothers and sisters, who are to treat each other with reverence and respect, to uphold the human dignity and rights of all and to care for the planet which sustains us.
The Latin motto Praeco Sum Magni Regis (I am the Herald of a Great King). Like St. Francis of Assisi, each of us is called to preach the Good News, the Gospels, and the Scriptures by our very lives and when it is necessary to use words. Each of us is called to make a difference in the world, to say something by our lives. Quincy University assists students to actualize their potential and to share their gifts and talents for the up building of the common good.
The Gold Shield with Red Diamonds represents the coat of arms of the second Earl of Winchester, Roger de Quincy, (13th Century in the Third Crusade with Richard the Lionhearted). The city of Quincy, Illinois, was named after John Quincy Adams, the sixth President of the United States. His maternal grandmother was Elizabeth Quincy, from whom he received his middle name.
The color Gold for the Quincy University represents generosity and the elevation of the mind toward the pursuit of learning and becoming a life-long learner.
The Diamonds represent the value and the quality of every person. Every member of the Quincy University Community is called to bring out the best in each other so that we become quality people who are making a difference and impact on our world.
The TAU Cross – Franciscan Symbol of Quincy University
The TAU Cross symbolizes that Quincy University is a Christian and Franciscan institution of higher learning.
It embraces and promotes the Franciscan values of:
- Hospitality and respect for all (a welcoming community that upholds the dignity, value and worth of every person);
- The Franciscan values of reconciliation, justice and peace (to heal broken relationships, to preserve unity and harmony since we are all brothers and sisters who have come from a common source);
- The Franciscan value of service to others (sharing our gifts and talents for the benefit of others and the QU Community and our willingness to be touched by another who may change my life from the encounter)
- The Franciscan value of the care for creation (growing in the care of the planet which is our home.)